Data e-Commerce

Complete e-commerce solutions drive sales growth and diversify your pipeline

Unlock the potential of one-time and subscription-based data sales; our modern, customizable e-commerce solution supports fast and efficient sales of low-touch data sets while your sales teams focus on accelerating sales of higher value, high-touch data licenses.

Data e-Commerce
Everything you need to drive sales and scale growth

Everything you need to drive sales and scale growth

Your customers expect a digital-first, self-service and ‘real-time’ market data experience that allows them to engage with firms on their terms. The DataBP e-commerce solution is an out-of-the-box, end-to-end offering with everything you need to deliver a fully-featured webshop for transactional data sales.

Our platform manages all aspects of the buying journey, including product definitions, licensing workflows, decision trees, checkout and payment processing and automated entitlements control for seamless access and service delivery.

Interoperable with existing platforms for a seamless customer experience

Standardized and interoperable workflows are increasingly essential to firms seeking to modernize and streamline business platforms. The DataBP e-commerce solution can be configured as a branded, stand-alone storefront or integrated within your existing web presence for a consistent and seamless customer experience.

Off-the-shelf integrations, combined with our API-driven architecture, also mean the solution can integrate easily with existing gateways (via your enterprise billing platform) for online payments and straight-through transaction processing.

Interoperable with existing platforms for a seamless customer experience