Data Lake Management

Manage data lake commercialization at scale, with dynamic datasets, product definitions, and a data catalogue for content discovery enabling instantaneous entitlement provisioning

Manage commercial access to broad sets of structured and unstructured data and allow customers to discover and define datasets dynamically through automated definitions, provision and control.

Data Lake Management
End data silos and unleash the value of your data

End data silos and unleash the value of your data

Over recent years data lakes have emerged as a powerful repository for consolidating, storing and analyzing vast amounts of structured and unstructured data. The scalability and ease of integration have meant public cloud environments have become the natural destination for these vast repositories of information, which in turn introduces a new dynamic for how these data sets are commercialized, provisioned and accessed.

The DataBP platform allows you to unlock the full potential of your data lake with our comprehensive management solution. Seamlessly handle the commercialization of data at scale through dynamic datasets and product definitions. Our platform features a robust data catalogue, facilitating effortless content discovery to enable customers to dynamically discover and define datasets, fostering a flexible and responsive data environment.

Dynamic delivery and extensibility

Public cloud environments provide a vibrant ecosystem of services and integrations to directly connect data lakes to other cloud-based services such as machine learning services, advanced analytics platforms, etc. The true value of this interoperability is only realized if the data can be seamlessly and dynamically entitled and provisioned on the fly, removing the manual touchpoints that still exist in several legacy processes.

Our Data Lake Commercialization solution is designed to bring immediacy to the discovery process, allowing for instantaneous entitlement provisioning of dynamically generated data sets. Additionally, our native Snowflake integration allows for the immediate creation and publication of new data sets within the Snowflake Marketplace, to rapidly grow your addressable market through an entirely new, captive user base.

Dynamic delivery and extensibility