Index & Benchmark Management

Streamline benchmark management, with Index AuM reporting and classification monitoring and tracking

Remove the complexities of the benchmark administration process with simplified product governance and enhanced end-user communications. Monitor Assets under Management (AuM) thresholds to ensure accurate classifications, ensure effective communications and compliance with regulators and manage the benchmark consultation process.

Index & Benchmark Management
Provide a robust and effective benchmark management solution

Provide a robust and effective benchmark management solution

Continued growth in passive investment strategies and structured products is fueling demand for broader and more diverse index families, and creating opportunities for new benchmark offerings. The bespoke nature of these commercial agreements means that they have, historically, required a disproportionate level of administration, leading to a cumbersome and frictional customer experience that impacts the ability to scale. 

 DataBP empowers benchmark administrators with comprehensive tools for commercial management and administration of financial benchmark and index services. This simplifies data productization and licensing (customer access), applying complex commercial policies and rules based on AuM or basis points, and providing flexible reporting and billing capabilities for even the most complex enterprise relationships.

Simplify communications and compliance with efficient administration

The events of recent years have led to more scrutiny of benchmarking processes and a more rigid regulatory environment. This has increased the need for transparency and control of the end-to-end process, making the way that these services are managed a critical contributor to overall business risk profiles. 

Our platform delivers a robust solution for benchmark management that fosters effective governance and control. The platform automates stakeholder consultations, simplifies processes and maintains a transparent record of all events. The administrative toolkit supports complete product governance, whilst promoting compliance using rigorous, custom workflows that ensure transparency.

Simplify communications and compliance with efficient administration